Monday, October 26, 2009


Some of the cultural differences can be found through simple language terms that we (USA) assume mean the same thing in Mexico. The confusion arises out of the Mexican's intense desire to please you and avoid conflict. Terms as simple as "yes" and "no" can mean very different things to each of us. For example, below is a chart of some of these commonly misunderstood terms: The challenge for us (USA) is:
1. Don’t be offended when our Mexican friends avoid saying no, they are simply being polite
2. Get below the surface of the "yes" or "no" and discover what their reply really means. This can usually be accomplished by probing questions or inviting them to disagree with you.

For example, rather than asking, "Will the XYZ project be complete by Friday?" to which you would normally receive a "yes" response. I recommend that you invite disagreement by saying instead, "I need the XYZ project complete by this Friday. Please tell me if this is realistic." By phrasing it in this manner, you have invited them to tell you why or why it is not possible. Thus you have allowed them to remain polite, and you avoid the unpleasant surprise of a project that does not meet your expectations.

Richard Roche

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